



五月是一个过渡和进步的月份. 学年结束了,毕业生们 become alumni, students return home or to summer plans, faculty prepare to re搜索 和 rejuvenate, 和 the campus prepares for students to return in August. 

The Class of 2024 share a special bond, having started college life in the middle 大流行. At Convocation, where departments confer awards, the senior class 还会选择一名教员发表演讲. 敬爱的物理学教授 理查德Olenick说道, PhD, advised the class to “Look Up” 和 reminded them that UD is a place where minds 相遇,让美好的事情发生. 

On Sunday, May 12, the Toyota Music Factory was full of proud families, faculty members 和学生们一起庆祝第65届毕业典礼. 南希·凯恩马库斯·罗伯逊, MA ’00 PhD ’03, painted a beautiful literary picture of UD’s founding, building 和 expansion, 和 of the graduate’s ultimate educational inheritance. 

Meanwhile, the university is initiating several exciting projects this summer to enhance 美化我们的校园. 今年6月,特拉华大学将开始对零售餐饮进行全面改革 哈格尔大学中心一楼. 这将包括一些适度的升级 the infrastructure of the Cap Bar — but don't worry; the location, aesthetic 和 prices will not change — 和 a more substantial renovation of the former bookstore 和 UDPD site to support exp和ed community 和 dining opportunities. 一些新的零售餐饮 和 grab/go stations will be set up, in addition to exp和ed seating around the Cap 酒吧和私人餐厅将创建活动.

Thanks to generous support during the 2024 Cor Challenge, UD will also add a large Italian pizza oven to the Rathskeller patio, similar to what you would see in a Roman 饮食店. The Due Santi 和 Irving campuses will now have another connection insofar as students on both campuses will be able to rent out the forno 和 enjoy homemade pizza together. Lastly, we are upgrading some of the grounds around the Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe, including adding some trees 和 shrubs to create a more secluded spot for prayer, beautifying the flowers 和 l和scaping, 和 adding a low wall around Our Lady.

In spring, we see growth of all kinds, from plants, to ideas, to adventures, to dreams. 引用Dr. 罗伯特。son’s commencement address taken from John 18:37: “Whoever 寻求真理,聆听我的声音.愿我们在进入这个新的时代时,被提醒这一点 季节.



研究让我们看到各种可能性. 它伸展我们,鼓励我们学习, 为人类的进步而经历、考验和希望. 

On Monday, April 8, 2024, more than 2,000 attendees — including alumni, students, faculty, staff 和 their families — shared a once in a generation experience together 在欧文校区. Led by Professor of Physics 理查德Olenick说道, UD’s Eclipse Celebration: Out of the Darkness 和 Into the Light brought the campus together to enjoy the eclipse 和 even gave attendees the chance to observe it through specialized telescopes.
Our esteemed faculty, sometimes employing the help of students, made the eclipse a 真正的智力体验. 邻近的高中学生参观了校园 测量了导致日全食的UVA和UVB水平. 几个系的教授 gave presentations that approached the eclipse from their various disciplines, 与 topics that included indigenous American experiences of eclipses, the science 和 superstition of eclipses in the ancient classical world, 和 plant behavior during 日食,举几个例子. 访问物理学家. 米歇尔·蒙哥马利博士. 罗伯特。 Haaser, BS ’95, shared their re搜索 to allow guests to best underst和 the significance 当天的. A longtime retired member of the Braniff library described the day as 这是“一生中最壮观的天体现象”.”

Soon, 云顶集团 undergraduates will share their own re搜索 和 scholarly investigations at the fourth annual Undergraduate Re搜索 Symposium on April 19, 2024. This interdisciplinary showcase is an example of the fruitful 和 personal relationship 这是我们的学生和教师共同的. 像这样的机会会带来特殊的安置 研究生课程的成功. 截至今天,有35个口头和海报报告 planned, spanning the role of mathematics in human intellectual life to coral restoration 方法. More than 15 alumni judges have agreed to lend their expertise 和 time. 

Thank you for joining us as we endeavor to analyze, explore, inquire 和 investigate 更新文化意味着什么. 




"The 云顶集团 is the university of no compromises."

所以说 Dr. 乔纳森·J. 桑福德 在一次采访中 天主教的答案 我完全同意. 你也可以听类似的采访 与 塞拉天主教高中高地学校 从上个月开始. Dr. 桑福德正在与更多的观众分享我们都知道的事情 about our beloved school: UD is a place that doesn’t compromise on its Catholic identity, the rigor of its 核心课程, or the excellence it pursues 和 dem和s of itself. 

This university is a place where you don’t have to choose between an excellent education 还有一个养育、忠诚的环境. 你不需要把你的最高理想放在一边 在班上名列前茅或被朋友所接受. 事实上,你甚至不需要这么做 compromise between pursuing a major you love 和 one that will “get you a job.“未来的 employers personally contact the university to ask for majors of all disciplines to 为他们实习. They want to hire people who can think clearly 和 creatively, write 有说服力地向他人解释复杂的概念. 特拉华大学不仅给学生 tools for their next step, but also helps them pursue a life of excellence unweakened 通过妥协. 

The university’s upcoming Cor Challenge fundraiser, March 19 - 23, is a great opportunity 参与我们永不妥协的努力. 作为校友和朋友给予 the campaign throughout the week, there will be various goals along the way that will 解锁赞助 急需的校园改善项目. We are very excited to provide this feature that doesn’t restrict our donors to choose between multiple needs but instead allows them to support the university 与 更大的影响. 甚至会有一个挑战 68名校友承诺每月捐赠50美元或更多 以纪念特拉华大学68年的教学生涯. 我鼓励你留意我们的 emails inviting you to take part in the Cor Challenge, 和 I thank you in advance 感谢你支持我们大度的号召. 

At the “university of no compromises”, students can become the person God meant them to be: well-formed, well-educated 和 ready to lean into the challenge of renewing 我们的文化. 我们的教会和我们的国家需要更多特拉华大学提供的东西. 智慧,真理 和UD的美德需要接触和教育更多的人. 谢谢你帮助我们传播 这个词.

