Marriage Preparation at UD

Marriage Preparation at UD


Congratulations on your engagement!  Marriage is hard, and getting married in the Catholic Church is not as easy as a drive-thru Vegas wedding venue.  However,  it is so worth the effort to enter into a covenant sealed by God (rather than a simple legal contract).  We at Campus Ministry and the Church of the Incarnation are pleased to support our students, faculty and staff through the entire process.  

This page is meant to be a very high level overview of the process.  As soon as possible after your engagement, contact Deacon Ryan and he will provide you a more detailed plan that walks you through the entire process.  He can be reached at or 972-721-5118.  Or, you can book a session with him directly by accessing his Calendly here.

During this step, you will have three meetings with Deacon Ryan, followed by four sessions with a sponsor couple.  You may also be required to spend one or more sessions with a counsellor and/or a financial specialist.  During this process you will need to fill out several forms, gather various documents for your file, and complete a FOCCUS questionnaire and NFP training.  This step can take anywhere from a few months to a year depending on when you would like to be married, your availability, etc.
If you are getting married at the Church of the Incarnation, you will then be transferred to Karen Bless, our wedding coordinator.  She will walk you through everything you need to know for your wedding.  If you are getting married elsewhere, your file will be sent to one or more diocesan offices before eventually making its way to the church where you will be married.  The paperwork transit time is between 30-90 days.

After your wedding, Campus Ministry doesn't wash their hands of you and move on.  We are always available to accompany you, especially during the challening early months of marriage.

We will be adding some resources here soon.